
Hi Fred - the photos below are of a Nimba/D’mba that a friend has. He has had it for about 20 years.

As it is shown it stands about 80 inches or 203 cm.

There are braces in the front where a section of wood was added to each of the original legs of the figure. In the back wood was added as well, but there are no braces.

If you were to remove the braces where the wood was joined in the front, and back where it was joined without braces, it would remove about 15 inches from the height which would make it around 65 inches or 165 cm.

Stylistically it is very similar to the some in the AHDRC, mainly for the depiction of the ear which seems to be on of the differentiating factors among the various ones. I have put these examples at the bottom of the page.

I am just looking for a quick judgement on it if you can please. I am just curious, and he is also curious.
